Designer, developer running Metafizzy
Alexandria, VA
Cascading grid layout library
Beyonce’s Tumblr uses Masonry
Filter & sort magical layouts
Touch, responsive, flickable galleries
Gap-less, draggable layout library
Make that shiz draggable
JavaScript is all like “You images done yet or what?”
Make your own bonkers Mega Man level music
License Chest
Six Trillion. The number of miles in a light year. 12 leaves for each 0 in a trillion
RGB Schemes, a VR gaming start-up. Logo can be rendered as 3D object for VR.
Roast ambigram
Flight framework wordmark
Flight F-wing
Macaw Swift. The muse may or may not be Taylor Swift.
Summingbird. ∑ is the symbol for sum. Spot it?
Photo by Nelson Davis, AIP Corporation. Made for Electric Objects. Licensed CC-BY-SA. 2015.
Photo by Marc Wathieu. Made for Electric Objects. Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. 2014.
Photo by Shari Alisha. Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. 2015.
These portraits are an ongoing project I've been working on for years. It’s inspired by (or a derivative of) Chuck Close.
I’m fascinated by how you can simplify an image and still make sense of it. Faces work best as our brains have special programming for facial recognition. Taking an image of someone, you can reduce it to a handful of shapes and colors and still recognize the person.
When you look up close, it’s a bunch of meaningless circles and squares. When you step back and view it all, you can’t help but see the person. Not just see them, but also notice details and imperfections. All from simplistic pieces. What’s really there?
The universe is like this at both ends of its scale. The space inside an atom is mostly nothing. The space in between stars is mostly nothing. But when you view these elementary pieces together, you see something interesting.
Photo by Charles Kerr. Made with Breathing halftone. 2014.
Photo by luke chan. Made with Breathing halftone. Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. 2014.
Photo by Troy Holden. Made with Close Pixelate. 2010.
Photo by Troy Holden. Made with Close Pixelate. 2010.
Photo by Hamed Saber. Made with Close Pixelate. 2010.
Self portrait. 2015.
Drag, resize, collapse editor panels
Front-end development
Front-end development
How to interpret hex codes into visible colors, just like I do because I’m colorblind.
dotCSS, Paris, November 2018
Learn basic physics for UI
Slides. Demos on Codepen. Demos on GitHub
Develop Denver, August 2015
Code Genius, Brooklyn, April 2015
Getting started with front-end package management
Converge Richmond VA, October 2013
The cost of open-source development and why I started Metafizzy
ValioCon, San Diego, June 2012; Fronteers, Amsterdam, October 2012
Future Insights Live, Las Vegas, April 2012
Washington DC, May 2012
Mobile Safari: Bring your machete
Tips and tricks for iPhone front-end development
Front-Trends, Warsaw, April 2012
How to use animation to delight users
AOL, Dulles VA, July 2011
Company blog — running a small business & front-end development
Front-end development minutia
I don't know how to put this in words but this is me trying
Run cycle gifs
CSS-Tricks: Staggering animations
CSS-Tricks: Creating responsive, touch-friendly carousels with Flickity
Web Animation using JavaScript: Foreword
Written for 24 Ways. 2010.
.net magazine: Create a zoomable user interface with CSS transforms
How I made Original source: ZUI Site Riot. 2011.
Please use GitHub issues for support for Masonry, Isotope, Flickity, or my other projects. Sorry, but I am not available for personal support.